Monday, March 18, 2013

Old Drama

I was born in the year 1990, at time your mom still a prostitute Dr Mahathir is still prime minister.   As a kid, I spent ludacris amount of time watching television. I was never interested to play outside, to me, television is the best thing ever. thanks a lot television for making me an introvert.  I live to watch television. As I watch television a lot, a good amount of time was spend watching Malay drama and movie.

Now days , Malay actor/actress is hugging each other here and there. Not wanting to sound like grandpa, but BACK IN MY DAYS, THESE WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING .
I remember back then,there is no hug scene and the actor and actress wear decent cloth. I feel somewhat irritated, taken aback and my libido decrease 10% . I feel like jumping of the building. 

It's like they are promoting youngster and young adult to follow suit. 

Then I ask myself, I have been watching English drama where they are hugging, why that is right,and Malay doing it is wrong. (it is because there is no french kiss in Malay drama?) Well, even I don't understand myself. So I just can't answer that. ( But I can give Arnold Scwheizenager sweat dripping from his sweaty-bollock)

Photo of my uncle

So what do you think about today's Malay drama? leave a comment below and win and imaginary Viva.

Thanks for watching today's episode of Apple Waffle. I'm Keough and you like Arnold Schweizenager sweaty balls.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen some actress with super short skirt and their fat legs look like cows.


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,