Saturday, October 30, 2010

Make Me Happy

               Presentation. Love it? Hate it? We all come through it at one point of our life,in one way or another.Most presentation sucks and damn boring! < High five  > Most of presenter I met,they are gay talk with monotonous tone. Last time I check,human have more than one tone.( Unless the presenter was fcuking alien or have throat cancer).Come on dude,don't make me bored. Don't complain if I fall asleep during your presentation.Blame it on yourself. (in my case,I blame it on the jews) Please make it more interesting so I don't fall asleep.I don't care what you do to make it interesting,put a picture of your gf (not-naked),cute kitten, porn (naked),whatever.I don't care..(or you can just put a fcuking coffee machine in the room)

Even  Saddam Hussein is bored by your presentation

              Don't you hate presenter who gave you a LONG TEXT but fail to stress the important point and fail to make make you understand the subject? The presenter don't give a damn whether you understand the subject or not.They just wanna complete their job with the most minimum of energy/commitment. Their half-baked effort in the presentation is laughable and not worthy of my precious time.I have a lot of mom to do with. I bet watching paint dry is more fun.(or reading Applewaffle blog/awesome-stuff)

Obama  face after he read my blog.

           Another thing that really bothers me is that the presenter talk so-damn- fast.How the fcuk am I gonna understand your presentation if your speech speed is 300km/h.What the fu.. fish?? Did someone replace your mouth with F1 car engine recently?? Are you trying catch a train? Slow down dude. Please give me a chance to understand whatever crap you gonna say. Next time someone present really fast to me,I'm gonna kick his ass (and balls) and scream"THIS IS BULLSHIT!! "

F1 mouth

Thanks for reading todays episode of  Apple Waffle. I'm Keough and you like Justin Bieber multiple orgasm.


  1. thanks aira!! arigatou!! promote please >_<

  2. I think your blog is interesting. U can definitely write.

    Justin BIBIR~-_-""


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,