Monday, October 25, 2010

Where is the volume button?

My classmate and I  stand in a line.Why are we standing in a line? Are we trying to form a nasyid band?"

My classmate and I  are so afraid, much to even utter a single word,let alone a syllable.What are we so damn afraid off? ? Are we facing a firing squad?

Well my friend,if you answer Nasyid,you are wrong,I don't do nasyid,I only do pole-dancing.
If you answer a firing squad,again you are wrong.Well my friend,what we face is 10x more horrifying than a Justin Bieber multiple orgasm.We have a class with Prof Ghassan,everybody favorite lecturer . But let's call him "Your Father"

I rather face a firing squad then have class with your father

You see,Your Father come late for class.At the beginning of the class,he talk so soft.I couldn't fcuking understand what he is mumbling about.I can't decide whether he is half talking to himself or whispering to an invisible hooker.Why I suddenly feel the urge to smack his head repeatedly with a megaphone?Did I mentioned that Your Father is bald? I could almost see my reflection when I stand behind him.

Chill out.I'm Keough and you are awesome.


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,