Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Love

I miss my first ex-gf.I swear to god she look just like Song Hye Kyo.That b*tch from korean drama Full House.

I'm a sucker for Full House.

We we're so happy together for three years.Until I decided to break our relationship.Yes,fcuk me.She was miserable for 6 month until she finally get over the big break up.Actually I never really stop liking her.But she already goin to get married next year.What a heartbreak.I ask myself," Do I want to remember my happy life with her or i want to remember the sad life with her?" I believe god want me to be happy so I will cherish the beautiful moment I have with her.The sad part can go away and join Pakatan Rakyat. I would like to quote a poem made by a friend-of-mine,her name is Daisy/future-Miss-Sabah :

But finally came kindness,
So warm and dear;
Never asking for anything,
Unconditionally clear.
And last there was love,
So warm and true;
A gift from God-
To me and you!

oh fcuk..I'm pathetic...I can't move the fcuk on.She will always be a part of me.So the moral here is don't be a sore loser like me.Go find another b*tch.

Remeber,b*tches,they come they go.
(all ladies in Malaysia throw slippers at Keough)

You now must be so boring oledy to hear my rant/random-crap..ok's a joke for you..

So you got a Commando,a Navy soldier and.............................  Mat Rempit from Puchong.
The General hand over each of them a gun and says "  Your spouses is seated next door (Mat Rempit oso can kahwin)  in a room on a chair.In order to pass this test you must go inside and kill them". Immediately the Commando says,

" No sir,I could never kill my wife,I  can't do it"

General look at him with a face of angry lion and says "You know what,You ain't got what it takes.Take your wife and go home.Navy soldier then head in, 5 minue later kambek(come back)-tears strolling down his face,

"I tried.I tried. I tried. I just can't do it.She look so beautiful in the chair.I can't do it"

General look at him with a stern face and say" You know what,you ain't got what it take"
Finally,the Mat Rempit from Puchong.Stroll into the room with a swagger.

Shot rang out!There's banging.There's screaming.But suddenly,everything goes silent.

General say,"W-what the hell happened inside??? "

Mat rempit screams back, "The damn gun had peluru kapur in it,so I had to beat her to death with my BARE HAND!!"  (hahahaha XD)

Chill out.I'm Keough and you are awesome.

p/s:please check out Daisy blog:


  1. so sad story n ada joke jg bwh 2.. then i wish u will find the next song hye kyo darl.. thanks 4 promoting my blog XD

  2. thanx daisy..the day next song hye kyo come is the day McDollah give free Cheeseburger....or parliment start growing pubic hair coz they are so childish


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,