Monday, January 3, 2011

Aftermath of Death

                 What happening fuck-tard ladies and troll? I tell you what happening ,death. As you can see,Dr Keough witness two death today. (Double Kill? ). Death is really hard to deal with, no matter what way you approach it, it won't be pretty. You will have the cry,the sadness, the empty feeling knowing your loved one will never come back. But what bothers me is that some people/heartless-person is really not sensitive to the situation. They just go on their merry way,smiling and laughing like nothing happened. Even if you won't shed a tear for the deceased, fine, just keep quite. Respect the grief-stricken family members. Would you like people to laugh when your mother died? My point is, the decent thing to do when somebody dies is at least errrrrrr.......i don't know....maybe like 
NOT LAUGH AND SMILING LIKE YOU JUST GET LAID??   (by your lesbian/gay partner)
get off my face you heartless-person,GTFO

              Have you ever though what people think of you when you died? Like maybe they will remember such-and-such person as the good chap who always nice and help around (like Keough) ,or that b*tch who have the sweetest smile. Whether you realize it or not, we have touch a lot of people life,some in meaningful and some in bad  way, along your your life. ( I don't only touch, i rape them too,in my mind). I want to touch people life in a meaningful way, I want them to say Dr Keough save me from STD, diabetes, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, and Jew-pedophile.
This woman is depress because her husband have diabetes and STD
Thanks for reading today's episode of Apple Waffle. Chill out,I'm Keough,and I hope Santa give me a powerful rifle.

1 comment:

If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,