Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog-Trade : Vee

Klok Klok, moshi moshi.
Guess who's in the house?
VEE here~~~for revenge sake.

Blog-trade?  I can't find the word in my dictionary, simple, I don't trade.

This is all Eddy's fault. He forced me....wait no. He BEGGED me to do
this blog-trade.
A meanie like me? He must have been out of his mind. Well yeah, whatever.

I'm here to share my story.....after too much reading of applewaffle
blog of his.

Please view this entry.


Just a week ago when i read it, .......

This story happened not long after the reading,

15 things you should DO in a boring lecturer?
( Due to my insanity, the word 'NOT' failed to be scanned by my eyes-
indirectly my brain )
1. My pure mind says that, you should eat, sleep and xercise.
2. I tried to perform drunken-shaolin kung fu- but my lecturer snatch
away my whole stack of beer.
3. Dreaming about 'tailoring' the eyes of my lecturer.
*By tailoring means you're gonna ended up 'sewing'*
4. Me-hi-co. My cacat cell-phone can't made video call. I ended up
being smacked in the head for trying to steal my friend's so called
5. My lecturer is good at that, I've seen him doing it LIVE. It's on U-TUBE!
6. All Malaysians are racist lah.
7. I tried farting but I lost to a fat guy in front of me.
8. I brought a real-dart and eventually i threw it.
9. I don't need that's necessary when applewaffle has more than
enough. *chuckles*
10.I almost broke my fingers as the table was not made from wood
And there after 11-15 process, ...huh huh...I'm in the middle of
escaping....can't post this entry earlier. Wish me LUCK~..

- Thanks to applewaffle, i'm now absolutely famous for performing the
blogger's 'ajaran sesat'. -
P/S : This entry is dedicated to Eddy, for being a blunt and amazing
blogger. Read more from his blog if you're not bother with the amount
of brain-damaged can be done.
I mean, just looked at me . haha.


You're awesome!


  1. Ow crap, language error. Didn't checked the grammar.

  2. For Malaysian people, we understand your language error..No need to check your grammar...
    Hahaha(really, I mean it...)


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,