Thursday, March 17, 2011


I just notice that a lot of my friend already have a job. I knew them since they are still in diapers college. I remember the time that they still working their butt off studying to complete their degree/diploma. They already enter the working world where I'm still stuck in my world of Fun. Yes, I'm enjoying every last bit of my youth. But the knowledge of my friend who use to be like me,a student in local college, now working like what a real adult suppose to be doing make me somewhat uneasy and restless.Then


It get me to think. it get me to worry about my own future. They are getting salary, pay income tax, pay for car installments and other stuff I never done before. The thought of them getting a steady stack-ful of cash make really envious. I mean, they practically could buy anything that they yearn for. I am eager to enter the working world but I must admit, I dread the day I enter the working world. I wonder how my future life would be? Will I be a poor ass chap. What kind of life I will live? I'm rather anxious about my future because I'm not doing well in my studies, my grades is not to be proud off.  I hate the fact I wasted my times not-studying.



  1. Just ignore it...I to not working even though my family is not rich...But still I got some money...
    Just enjoy the club...errr Life.....

  2. it sucks but depending on how you define success in life..doesn't necessarily means you have to earn big- or a steady job.
    Grades were just an extra points that grant you one step ahead...that's all. As long as you achieved and get your degree/diploma,you can consider yourself as an achiever.


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,