Friday, April 15, 2011

Powahful Sister

          My sisters is more powahful than me and najib. They can shoot laser form their eye, breath fire and can turn into super saiya.

Ok,that last sentences is not true, they can only shoot laser from their eyes.

            Is it just me or all my older sisters is better than me in every way? I wonder whether there is some ultimate rule that says older sister are always better than you. Whoever invent that rule, I'm gonna f*cking kill him. Well, I guess older sister is suppose to be that way. They suppose to be better than you. The extra age does have it advantages. My grandma know the legendary mop kung fu.They have more experience than me. I mean, they like  'been there, done that'. 

My granma's  is Ip Man ex-girlfriend
 My older sisters is/are
  • more religious than me (this one sister from Penang,when I text her,she always says thing that put a knife on my back)
  • get excellent grade in their study
  • more richer than me (but at least they always treat me watch movie in cinema, karaoke and stuff)
  • can drive better than me  (they look so cool when they drive me around)
  • have better talent in drawing than me (heck, one of my sister is even an artist in our local comic magazine!)
  • have awesome JOB
  • have a lot of people comment in their Facebook wall (i'm not jealous,shut up troll)
  • have more friend than me in Facebook  (i'm really not jealous.shut the fuck up troll)
  • have cooler Handphone. ( I have to camwhore using their phone  )
  • have more pageview on THEIR blog

Picture of my handphone
               I feel somewhat small compared to my older sisters. But I can play futsal better than any of them.  FUTSAL IS SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING IN THE WORLD  Take that sis!! I WIN !!(ok..that wasn't necessary)

Errrrr,to any of my older sisters,who are now reading this, I just wanna say thank you so much for being there for me in my hour of need, always give me a hand to reach in my desperation, a place to hold on when everything are just seem terrible to bear. Thanks for the cheer and comfort. One day when I become more richer than you, I treat you  papadom. I love you .

not this one, i mean the food..THE FOOD!
(If you don't know what is papadom, please go back to Nigeria, where you belong.)
Just so you know, one text message from my sisters is all it needs to turn me into Super Saiya  make me happy the whole day.Sister complex? I don't know...

Thx for reading today's  Apple Waffle. Chill out, I'm Keough and my toilet paper is made from gold.


  1. so your older sisters are like my older sister D:

  2. Sugoi...Your sister can shoot laser by using their eyes?
    I too have sister like that but she is my little sister...
    Maybe because the word sister...


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,