Friday, April 1, 2011


         What do you get when you combine stuffed toy and capitalism? Apparently, a very perverted turtle. I met,with got to be the most pervert turtle in the world.
This is an artist rendering of the real soft toy,the owner of the soft toy refuse to have the actual turtle picture be published

Just look at his eye,they are motherf*cking grandmotherf*cking great-grandmotherf*cking pervert. Imagine you are in the shower and he was like.....

Blerghhhh I stalk you~!
         Who invented this soft toy? Maria Ozawa?? What's wrong with the manufacturer? Who is their target consumer?? Serial rapist? Pedophile ? That turtle is sick, man. I bet that turtle probably stuffed with pure lust or something. I mean, imagine this turtle eye-balling YOU when you're changing cloth.

I like to look at your junk~!

I even bet this turtle invented the threesome,anal sex and whatnot...BECAUSE ITS SO MOTHEREFFING PERVERT.Attention Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle,please knock some sense back to YOUR COUSIN (Zing~! ),kick his ass,ball.whatever.

Thank for reading today's episode of Sweet Apple Waffle. Chill out, I'm Keough and beware of pervert turtle.


  1. Who invent this?
    Maybe someone who are pervert enough...
    Please don't buy the soft toy...


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,