Sunday, December 26, 2010

Earth Cafe

Entry by our lucky winners,Mikky-Ann. Her actual text was too religious for my blog (hey,i was on fire when I read her text) not to mention it was in Bahasa Melayu,(not that I'm against Bahasa Melayu,I use BM all the time). So I translated the text into English and edited it a bit (actually 99% edited from original version =_= ).  So here you have it. Enjoy.

What the world has to offer: 
  1. People unsatisfiable greed for the latest shit,like....... walkman and Microsoft XP    (LOLwhat?? that's so old-school)
  2. You worry some-random Nigerian steal your latest i-pod from you.   
  3. Having a beautiful wife or being rich does not promise happiness cause you are afraid of losing it (for me,I'm afraid of losing my handsome look)
  4. People plotting to bring you down because of jealousy
  5. The world fights and argues over pointless matter while millions die of starvation
  6. Rich arrogant bastard who brag about their indoor pool and how much $$$ they have in their Swiss bank account
  7. The world blinds you from religious obligation and commandment. (Usual method of bribe: porn) 
  8. Entertainment that distract you from your study.( Damn,without Dota and korean-drama, i will surely not-fail my exam)
  9. Racist who discriminate people by color of their skin,hate others for no good reason
  10. The world is rule by bloody dictator-wannabe/leader who abuses their power for their own monetary gain
  11. Morons and criminals whose nefarious deeds leave people dead/poor/not-virgin 
  12. Sick bastard like Bush, Hitler and Wait a minute..who the fcuk fish put my name ??!! Balls!! (face palm)
Hitler is worried some-random Nigerian steal his i-Pod

Thanks for reading today's episode of Apple Waffle. Chill out, I’m Keough,and I buy my Viagra from Al-Qaeda.


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,