Thursday, December 23, 2010

Keough Off Day

           Hello Jew-lovers  Malaysian. My name is Kobayashi but you can call me Mr Dickshit. I am the Sanitary Officer a.k.a Janitor in Apple waffle Industry. As you can see, Keough is not available at the moment but don't panic, Mr Dickshit  will be your host for today. (Who need that dumb Keough  when you have me. I'm way much cooler than that moron.)
Readers, I celebrate Xmas every year,and I would like to share my wish list for this year Christmas.

My top ten wishes for Xmas
  1. Taylor Swift become my maid
  2. End of world poverty
  3. Play badminton with Obama
  4. Kiss all SNSD members (Yoona twice)
  5. Slap Bush 2 times
  6. Have a really-functioning Light Saber that can cut metal. Not the one that only give out light.
  7. Eat noodle with Najib
  8. Watch P. Ramlee movies in 3D
  9. I wish your dad stop being an alcoholic
  10. To get a lot of $$$ so I can throw a party for Apple Waffle reader
Gee Gee Gee baby baby

Top 10 reason why Santa won't come down my chimney
  1. Abu Sayaf  kidnap the reindeer
  2. I hate black people.I am a mother******g racist
  3. My dog ate him last year
  4. He mistakenly gave me two gifts last year
  5. I steal money from orphan
  6. I have AIDS
  7. coz I have sex with goat
  8. I don't have a chimney
  9. I am not a Christian
  10. Santa does not exist
Thank for reading today's episode of Apple Waffle, I'm Kobayashi and Keough is a MOTHERF******
(Later that day, Mr Dickshit was never seen again)


If you gonna type hate message.. pls do so, our love-hate relationship is unstoppable,